Winter Green
Winter Green is a national Go for Green program that encourages outdoor physical activity during winter, while protecting, enhancing or restoring the environment.
What is Winter Green?
Winter Green is a national strategy designed to address lower physical activity levels during the winter season, while protecting, enhancing or restoring the environment. Winter Green aims to
‘take the roof off winter’ and bring Canadians out of hibernation to experience Canada’s diverse winters and participate in traditional outdoor winter activities.
An Invitation
We invite all Canadians to be winter green and experience the benefits of being active in the outdoors during winter, while protecting the environment.
This winter, Canadians in every community are being called to action – and we want to hear about it! You or your community can create your own Winter Green event: build an outdoor rink; organize an outdoor game of ringette, broomball, curling or hockey; host an ice fishing competition; toboggan with friends and family; create a winter carnival; snowshoe through the woods. Whatever you do, get active, get winter green!
Ice Dreams
Go for Green, in partnership with the National Hockey League,, Health Canada, 13 prov./terr. governments, The Rink Rake, and other national and regional partners, is pleased to announce the launch of an exciting new outdoor rink initiative entitled Ice Dreams.
Ice Dreams is a national program that encourages and supports the development and use of new and existing outdoor rinks in Canada. It provides opportunities for girls and boys of all ages to get active in the outdoors during winter by playing hockey or other games on ice surfaces, such as frozen ponds and waterways, or backyard, neighbourhood and community rinks.
This winter, individuals and municipalities in every community are being called to register existing outdoor rinks and share their stories in a searchable database on the Ice Dreams website at
Get Winter Active! Tips, Tools and Cool Ideas for Leaders
This resource provides community leaders with “Tips, Tools and Cool Ideas” from across Canada. Discover successful winter physical activity programs and event ideas, contacts, references, graphics, logos and clip art. Everything you need to get your community more active in winter!
Get Winter Green!
This complimentary package to “Get Winter Active!”, includes recipes for a successful backyard rink, information on getting warm without breaking the bank, facts about Canada’s winter Night Sky, helpful Winter Green documents and successful, environmentally-friendly, outdoor winter initiatives in Canada. Take the roof off your winter and explore this great web resource!
Register Now!
Share your community stories and register your Winter Green event or activity, outdoor rink, toboggan hill, ice/snow trail, etc… and we will send you a free full-size colour copy of Get Winter Active!, a resource that is chock full of Tips, Tools, and Cool Ideas for Leaders (limit 1 per customer while quantities last).
An Opportunity!
This is an opportunity for all Canadians – municipalities, organizations, and individuals alike – to get off the couch this winter, get active outdoors, get involved in neighbourhood activities, and get in touch with the natural environment… for improved personal health and the health of the environment.