Gardening for Life
Gardening for Life is a national Go for Green program that supports the idea of natural gardening including such things as careful use of water, tree planting for home energy efficiency, and avoiding the use of chemical pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers.
Give a Gift of Green to someone special!
A Gift of Green greeting card is made of recycled hemp, flax and cotton pulp, natural and environmentally-friendly components. And, the card is embedded with a mix of native wildflower seeds that are easy to grow anywhere in Canada.
After enjoying your personal message, the recipient can place this card in the garden, or in potting soil and, within 3 weeks, beautiful wildflowers will sprout and provide a lasting memory!
A Gift of Green greeting card is $6.00 (including shipping & handling and applicable taxes). By purchasing this unique greeting card, you support Go for Green community programs across Canada, such as Go for Green’s Gardening for Life.
Forum on Public Education Strategies to Encourage Gardening for Life
The Forum on Public Education Strategies to Encourage Gardening for Life took place over two and a half days in Toronto on March 22-24, 2002. Spearheaded by Go for Green, with financial support from Environment Canada and Home Depot, the Forum hosted over 25 participants selected from across Canada.
Greener Active Use Spaces for All
Go for Green and the Ontario Parks Association have developed a document containing 5 Success Stories articles on “naturalized” outdoor active use areas in 5 different regions of the country. These stories describe successful strategies undertaken by park managers and community leaders to protect their environment by using alternates to chemicals.